Well, I'm back after having missed the last 2 weeks of this fun post... which means that I must be slightly more organised, and/or slightly less busy than I have been. This is what I've been up to:
Screen printing-- nice people tell me all the time that I must be so talented and creative to do what I do, I tell them that I'm just patient, and I believe it. No one is an ace at anything when they first begin, some people might be better than others, but it's all down to sticking at it... keeping calm when things stuff up (as they inevitably do sometimes), and persevering... here's some proof that I can be patient... using this one small screen (a little smaller than A4)...
+ a pot of red paint
+ a squeegee
+ only a minimal amount of bad language and deep breathing
= a whole lot of hand-holders!
And I'm loving these orange curtains... And so much for foxes, when I sat down to do some drawing for new screen designs last night, all that came out were birds... but this is a good warm up for the foxes I plan on drawing, since it's been such a time since I've sat down to do a proper hand drawing-- I've been addicted to Illustrator for way too long! But this is how today looks... at least I can add 3 more lambs and 1 more dew drop girl... not to mention all the blinkies I plan to make from the red hand-holders! :)Happy Thursday! Hope you get to use your creative space where ever you are, and don't forget to check out everyone else's space at and via Kootoyoo.
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